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PDBparam: Online Resource for Computing Structural Parameters of Proteins.

GAP: towards almost 100 percent prediction for β-strand-mediated aggregating peptides with distinct morphologies.

Protein-protein binding affinity prediction from amino acid sequence.

Prediction of protein disorder upon amino acid substitutions


Prediction of Change in Protein Unfolding Rates upon Point Mutations in Two State Proteins

Discrimination of driver and passenger mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor in cancer.

Folding RaCe: A Robust Method for Predicting Changes in Protein Folding Rates upon Point Mutations.

Discrimination of beta-barrel membrane proteins using statistical methods.

Discrimination of outer membrane proteins using support vector machines

Prediction of membrane spanning beta-strands in outer membrane proteins.

Prediction of solvent accessibility using neural networks


Real value prediction of solvent accessibility


Discrimination of DNA binding proteins and prediction of their binding sites


Identifying the stabilizing residues in protein structures.

Structure based prediction of protein stability upon mutation

Prediction of protein mutant stability from amino acid sequence


Prediction of protein folding rates from amino acid sequence


Identification of DNA-binding proteins

Prediction of RNA binding sites

Functional discrimination of membrane proteins using machine learning techniques