Glossary of the entry terms

Terms Explanation
Antibody name Name of the antibody
PDB Code PDB ID corresponding to the antibody
Mutation type Type of mutation from wild-type to mutant amino acid residue
RBD Site Site in the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
Escape fraction Escape fraction value
Escape (High/Low) Predicted escape fraction as high or low
Antibody group Group of the antibody based on its epitope
Escape probability Probability of the mutation to escape antibody binding
Backbone Hydrogen bond Energy Change in contribution of hydrogen-bond formation between backbone atoms upon mutation (mutant-wildtype) (kcal/mol)
Electrostatics Energy Change in contribution of electrostatic interactions upon mutation (mutant-wildtype) (kcal/mol)
vdW Clash Energy Change in energy penalty due to van der Waals clashes between residues in the protein upon mutation (mutant-wildtype) (kcal/mol)
ΔΔGmcsm Change in binding affinity upon mutation predicted by mCSM (wildtype-mutant) (kcal/mol)
Main Chain-Side Chain Hydrogen Bonds Number of hydrogen bonds between amide nitrogen or carbonyl oxygen and an amino acid side chain (donor­-acceptor distance cutoff (oxygen and nitrogen) = 3.5Å, donor­-acceptor distance cutoff (sulphur) = 4Å)

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