VEPAD is a tool for scoring the effect of Single Nucleotide Variants with respect to Alzheimer's Disease in the human genome. VEPAD makes use of 7 histone marks from multiple brain tissues, combined with 2 conservation scores, GC content and CpG site features at and around the point of mutation to assign scores to the variants.

Please upload a file containing upto 1000 variants :

To query the effect of variant(s) with respect to Alzheimer's disease, please upload variants in the form of first 5 columns of a VCF file format without header as shown in the example file below. If you try to upload a file containing more than 1000 variants, you will receive an error message. The entire tool has been constructed using the GRCh38 assembly of the human genome and hence it only accepts variants belonging to the same assembly. If the provided reference allele at a specific position doesn't match the GRCh38 assembly, you will receive an error message. On submitting the job, it might take a while for the analysis to complete depending on the number of variants submitted. Kindly submit your E-mail address, and the result will be mailed to you once the analysis is complete.

Select an input file:

Please enter you E-mail address here:

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