Abstract Submission

Abstracts are invited in the following technical areas

  • Combustion (including fire safety) and Chemical Physics    

  • Heat and Fluid Physics

  • Material Sciences                    

  • Thermophysical Properties  

  • Levitation (Electrostatic, Acoustic etc.)   

  • Crystal Growth and Soft Matters (Protein & Colloid) 

  • Fundamental Physics         

  • Life Science and Biotechnology 

  • Ground-based Microgravity Research and Facilities (Drop Tower, Parabolic Flight etc.)

  • Space & Microgravity Industries

  • Space manufacturing and space factories        

  • Space Medicine and Astronauts

  • Space Experiments utilizing Small Satellites

  • Manned Space Mission, Manned Space Policy & Strategy, and etc

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  1. Check the  “Download Abstract Template” in the below column for the template
  2. The deadline for abstract submission is August 15, 2024 extended to August 18, 2024.
  3. You can ONLY submit up to two solicited and two contributed abstracts where you are the lead author.
  4. Please submit the abstract in pdf format
  5. Save the file name as < title >_< First author name >

AMS2024 Visual Microgravity Contest

In microgravity, phenomena are often quite different from those in normal gravity. Pictures and/or short videos (15 seconds maximum) illustrating interesting observations of microgravity phenomena are invited for submission. The submissions will be evaluated based on their technical merit and artistic appeal (real phenomena). All submissions must be accompanied by a short abstract describing the image or the video. Prizes will be awarded for both still image and video categories.  Requirements for image/video submission
  •   In the bottom of the Video/Image, please mention the title, author/s and affiliations.
  •   Save the file name as < title >_< First author name >
  •   By submitting your videos/ images gives permission to display the images and video in the AMS website as well as during the event.
  •   The deadline for submission is 15th september, 2024
  •  Make sure to submit a high resolution image/video here.
Additional requirements for video submission:
  •   An abstract (100 to 200 words) containing a description of the video.
  •   Video of microgravity phenomena can be in real time or slow motion or time lapse.
  •   Audio narrating the phenomena may be embedded in the video (optional)
  •   Video size: maximum 25 MB.
  •   Format: MP4, MOV, AVI
Additional requirements for Image submission:
  •   An abstract (100 words to 200 words) containing a description of the image.
  •   Image size: maximum 5 MB.
  •   Format: JPG, PNG, TIFF