About RSAPred

An overview of the web server is given in the home page. More information regarding the datasets involved and model performance are provided in the details page.

 How to cite RSAPred

Please cite us if the use of the models in this server has helped you in your work and/or resulted in any publication:


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This web server and the models therein are intended solely for educational and research purposes. It is a non-profit service to the research community. Every attempt has been taken to ensure that the models are as accurate as possible within the scope of the available data. However, the developers and authors make no promise regarding the correctness of the model predictions, and disclaim liability for damages incurred as a result of using these models or any external links provided herein.

© 2023, Protein Bioinformatics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

All Rights Reserved.

This server is maintained by Department of Biotechnology (IIT-M)